Industry Leaders & Board Members

Rajiee M. Shinde

President- Media & Films Industry

Atty. Manish N. Jadhav

President- Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Industry

Dipali Mehta

President- Textile Industry

Dr. K. Jaishankar

President- International Edu. Board

Adv. Mahak Rathee

President-International Mediation

Adv. Shweta Tyagi

President- Dubai Arbitration and Business Consultancy

Adv. Bindu Dubey

President- National Women's Legal Wing

Mr. Raizada Sorabh Bali

Vice President-International Education Board

Dr. M.K. Ravi

President- Gujarat legal cell

Dr. Nitan Sharma

President - J&K and Ladakh

Divya Bhardwaj

Director Corporate Affairs

Prof. (Dr.)Bodhisatva Acharya

Member- International Education Board

Mamta Pall

President- Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Adv. Sukanya Acharya

Member, ICAM

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